Hoarding: Symptoms and Treatment Options
Hoarding is not simply a behavior. It is a mental health condition. In fact, there are different types of hoarding disorders. Oftentimes, hoarding is a subset of OCD, which itself is an anxiety disorder. What Is Hoarding? Hoarding is a condition in which a person keeps things that most other people would say are not valuable. Of course, it’s true that “one’s man junk is another man’s treasure.” However, if a person collects items to the point where it interferes with their lives in some significant way, and they are still unable to get rid of those items, then they are hoarding. Some examples of hoarding negatively impacting someone’s life include: Their home because difficult to live in due to clutter. They may be unable to cook, shower, sleep in a bed, or move around properly. They can’t have people in to do normal home repairs because of the “stuff.” The hoard leads to home damage such as rotting, mold, sagging foundations, etc. Neighbors and/or city officials complain or...